Thursday, August 23, 2007

Social Psych - Invading my thoughts at the Simpsons Movie

I don’t know if this is happening to anyone else but now it seems that wherever I go or what ever I do I am thinking about social psych and see examples of it everywhere. For example when I was watching the Simpsons movie last week all I wanted to do was to relax and not think about school. No such luck, there is a scene in the movie were an angry mob is after the Simpsons. At first they were just after Homer but in the end they were after the whole family and wanted to kill them. I know it is just a cartoon but I was thinking about mob behaviour and conformity, and wondering if there was no mob and each of the character were just by themselves how would they seek revenge? It made me think just how fast rational and intelligent humans can change and do things that I bet they would be embarrassed about later. And I think now I am only just beginning to understand just how complex some of the topics that we talking about are.

I know it is so nerdy to be thinking about this stuff in the Simpsons movie and I’m sure the writers of the movie would not be impressed. But I was wondering if everybody else has started to see examples of Social Psych were ever they go? Do you guys think that doing this unit has opened your eye’s to think about things you have never thought about before? Have your attitudes about society and people changed since the beginning of the semester? Do you guys think that what we are learning in this unit is important for us to know and use in the future?

I would love to hear everybody else’s thoughts and comments, because I think that this unit and blog have made me open up my eyes a lot and think about the world and why things are happening, which I definitely wasn’t expecting to happen when I signed up for this unit.

Have a good day guys and good luck with your blogging :)


beck1411 said...

Hey Josie,

I think you make some good points in your post. I too have been thinking about this subject a lot and am suprised at how much my views on social interactions have changed since the begining of semester. What we have learnt have caused me to look back at past personal experiences and think about why things went a certain way and why others actions took place. I have also been amazed at how many stereotypes there are out in the community and how often people are more willing to go along with others (like the mob you describe from the simpsons) than to formulate their own opinions and speak out if not for themselves than for others. I am also thinking about my own thoughts and how at times I sadly subscribe to these mental shortcuts Anita spoke of and how it is something that I persoanlly need to work on.
The simpsons I think is a really great example and I'm sure that there are many examples of what we are being taught in other episodes.

Just my thoughts

James Neill said...

Hi Josie,

This is a rich post. I also find the world looks different through the lens of social psychology and changes how I think about people and explain events. I find that I do a lot more "conscious over-riding" of perceptions and I become more sensitive to / tolerant of differences than normal. Hopefully some of it rubs off longer-term too.

I think the Simpson's Movie makers would actually be flattered by your thoughts. Both Simpsons and South Park I think are so popular because of their acute and accessible insight into individual and social psychology, and cultural psychology.

Rebekah said...

Hi Josie,

I really enjoyed reading your post. I too agree with you,the simpsons (not only the movie) is rich in social-psychological variables. The social commentary, political commentary, aggression, relationship dynamics, family dynamics, friendships- and all very interesting.

And yes, the stereotypes- lisa the nerd, skinner, nelson the bully etc.

Hope your blog and essay goes well.

Beck xx