Thursday, September 6, 2007

Ghosts of Rwanda DVD

I only just watch the Ghosts of Rwanda DVD a few days ago (I know a little slow). While I watched it I think like most people I was shocked and felt so sad that only 13 years ago something as horrible as this could have happened. However I was surprised that I also felt hope. I was moved and inspired by the fact that there were a few brave people who realised the injustice of the situation and took it upon themselves to do what they could to help. Even when some of them were told they should evacuate the country for their own safety they selflessly decided to stay and help. While there were only very few of these people they made an incredible difference and saved many lives.

Like General Dallaire who stayed behind and kept on trying to negotiate and do what he could with limited troops, or Gregory Alex who delivered food and supplies to people hiding in UN safe havens, or Philippe Gaillard who was brave enough to speak up and as a result the red cross was given safe access to many areas to help save the injured, or Captain Diagne who died saving hundreds of people even though he was not meant to get involved, or Carl Wilkens the only American to stay behind and offer shelter to his work colleges and helped to save an orphanage of children.

All these people prove that one person can make a difference and while obviously they did not stop the Genocide they were able to reduce how severe it was. I do not know what I would do in a situation like these people found themselves in and I don’t think anyone would really know what they would do until they are faced with the situation. But I would like to believe that I would be brave enough to stay and help. Listening to the story of these people gave me hope that there are still good people in this world who are willing to fight for what is right even though it is sometimes dangerous and hard.

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